JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko requested the management of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) to be carried out with the intervention of digital technology.

"The management must be with digital intervention. But it does not leave a good concept about Indonesia," said Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko while attending a coordination meeting on the management of TMII in the Jakarta TMII Management Building, reported antara, Tuesday, May 25.

Moeldoko explained, TMII should look more modern, sophisticated, and bring a feeling of optimism through a culture of hope for the younger generation. In addition, TMII must support the era of industrial revolution 4.0 by utilizing Information Technology (IT) to make the leap of innovation and education of international class.

"This concept must be prayed by the manager tmii (BUMN Tourism). Do not let there be a sound, TMII is the same just change the package,"Said Moeldoko.

In detail, Moeldoko explained, TMII should be used as a gathering place for young people with the concept of Taman Budaya.

From the digital side, technology is used to transform an intangible culture into a real entity to showcase and enjoy. For example, local governments provide digitalization of regional historical/cultural stories on the platform, in innovative ways such as interactive video, 3D technology in smartphones/augmented reality.

The use of virtual reality that can be accessed online is also Moeldoko's direction to the meeting participants.

"Especially in the pandemic. The use of virtual reality is increasingly popular to accommodate visitor restrictions by providing virtual tours of pavilions and museums via mobile phones or computers," moeldoko explained.

"I will continue to follow the development of TMII management from time to time so that extreme changes are made into strength and will produce something measurable and immeasurable," moeldoko added.

Meanwhile, the participants of the meeting consisting of Pokja Team, Directorate General of State Wealth (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance, to prospective managing partners of TMII PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC) welcomed Moeldoko's direction.

As conveyed by The Head of Pokja TMII Team Colonel I Gustri Putu Ngurah. According to Putu, it has made several improvements, starting from the main gate by re-optimizing videotron, new parking lots, to drainage repairs.

The improvements also managed to attract visitors. "As a result, since April-May 2021, TMII managed to obtain revenues of Rp6.46 billion," said Putu.

The Representative of the Directorate of Assessment of DJKN Kemenkeu Noviantoro said, the Ministry of Finance has established TMII as a Special State Property (BMN).

Thus, the Ministry of State Secretary can immediately appoint a prospective partner as the manager of TMII.

"Note, it is necessary to sort which assets belong to the state and belong to partners. Including the investment value plan, so it will be known how much value the state rights and partners' rights," said Noviantoro.

On the same occasion, TWC President Director Edy Setijono proposed the concept of Indonesia Opera for tmii rebranding.

This concept includes education and preservation, tourism, cultural entertainment, community engagement and international events.

"This concept means a relevant and inspiring representation of Indonesia.... With this concept, we not only organize TMII but re-represent the portrait of Indonesia as unity in diversity," said Edy.

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