JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP PDI Perjuangan Bambang Wuryanto again spoke about ethics related to the uninvited Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo in an event attended by Puan Maharani last weekend. Bambang called Ganjar violated ethics because of the ambitious 2024 presidential election.

"The key to politicians is understanding one's wishes. If it is in accordance with manners, fatsun ethics. But there is a region that we must be careful of. If the territory I want to be a presidential candidate it's the authority bu ketum," bambang said in the House of Representatives, Senayan, Tuesday, May 25.

The man who is familiarly called Bambang Pacul also expressed a signal from pdip Jateng to reprimand Ganjar who is too ambitious with the office of president. Therefore, DPD PDIP Jateng did not invite Ganjar in the agenda attended by Puan Maharani.

"So when Ms. Puan rawuh to Central Java then we apologize dpd meeting. iki piye? yes it's been given a warning first, let's talk later. Don't be invited just yet. Just simple as that, you wrote that then muter muter, this is an internal problem," said the Chairman of dpd PDIP Central Java.

However, the Secretary of the PDIP Faction of the House of Representatives insisted the issue was only the internal dynamics of the party. He denied that the matter was used as a polemic for the struggle between Puan and Ganjar.

"So it's very trivial not about the recapture of the capres between Ms. Puan and Mr. Ganjar, durung ono bu ketum code," concluded Bambang.

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