75 Employees Report To Komnas HAM, KPK Respect

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) respects the decision of 75 employees who were disabled for not passing the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) to report to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).

The report was conducted by dozens of employees because of alleged acts committed by kpk leaders.

"KPK respects the reporting and submits the full follow-up of the reporting to Komnas HAM in accordance with its duties and authorities," said Acting Kpk Spokesman for Enforcement Ali Fikri through a written statement, Monday, May 24.

He said dozens of employees of the anti-corruption commission were valuable assets in eradicating corruption. So their fate will be decided in the near future.

"All employees in the process of transfering the status of KPK employees is a valuable asset for the institution," ali said.

Ali said, polemic related to TWK is a dynamic in the process of transfer of staffing status. Therefore, follow-up discussions on status transfer will be discussed on Tuesday, May 25.

"There will be a meeting with the State Personnel Agency (BKN) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant parties to discuss the follow-up of the transfer of kpk employees to ASN as well as follow up on the direction of President Joko Widodo," he explained.

Previously reported, representatives of 75 KPK employees who were declared not to pass TWK complained to Komnas HAM. In response to this complaint, Komnas HAM will establish a special team to investigate.

The team will be led by two commissioners, Choirul Anam and Sandrayati Moniaga.

"We received this complaint, we will form a team under monitoring and investigation," Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam said at a conference at his office, Jalan Latuharhary, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 24.

Komnas HAM, he continued, has received a lot of information and documents related to twk polemics that become a condition of transfer of status to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Furthermore, the information and documents that have been entered will be examined.

He asked all parties involved in the TWK polemic to be cooperative. The goal, in order to find the best solution.

Moreover, polemics that occur in the internal KPK today will be a loss. Because, corruptors are common enemies.

"We hope that both WP's friends, kpk leaders, and related parties can be cooperative," he said.

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