JAKARTA - Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono predicts there will be a spike in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia in mid-June.

"The predictions that we are doing will probably reach an increase until the middle of June to come," Dante said in a Youtube impression of the Presidential Secretariat, Monday, May 24.

Dante said, this prediction is obtained from the presence of exogenous factors or external factors. This factor is related to the increasing mobility of the population during the Eid al-Fitr holiday of 1442 H.

"We can see in the last four days, the increase in cases of new cases reached above 5 thousand. This shows that the mobilization of pascalebaran and Ramadan has begun to be seen this week," he said.

Not only that, Dante said the predicted spike in cases also occurred due to endogenous factors. This factor is related to the mutation of the COVID-19 virus which has faster transmission power than the original coronavirus.

Currently, there have been 54 cases of COVID-19 mutation in Indonesia, ranging from B1117, B1617, and B1351. It is a mutation originating in India, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Of the 54 new cases of COVID-19 found, 35 were cases of migrants from outside Indonesia. Then, there are 19 cases of transmission in Indonesia.

"The combination of external factors in the form of mobilization and endogenous factors in the form of mutations from the virus causes this case to increase in the future," said Dante.

"We still have to keep the health protocol in place. We continue to maintain stability and keep the economy running well. With that, we do some balancing between health protocols and economic policies," he added.

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