MAKASSAR - Various ways are being done to show concern for Palestinians who are attacked by Israel. Some are demonstrating, some are raising money for the streets.

But unlike the mayor of Makassar M Ramdhan Pomanto or familiarly called Danny Pomanto. The fundraiser for Palestine was conducted through a football match.

"Since the attack from Israel to Palestine. Almost everyone is defending. From the action to not the slightest fundraising to be donated to the Palestinian people," said Danny Pomanto, Sunday, May 23.

"This afternoon I participated in a charity match that was packed in a football match with psm players. This action was initiated by ustads Fakhurrasi," he continued.

The event titled "Establishing Friendship in a charity match through Football" is intended as a form of concern and solidarity for Palestine.

Danny Pomanto expressed this action as a concrete form of defending Palestine, defending justice and uniting for Palestine.

"Many of the people present today took their time to make this action a success. It's proof we love Palestine. We are against the injustice that Israel is doing.

Hopefully what we are doing is becoming a charity for all of us and hopefully the Palestinian grief can end soon," said Danny Pomanto.

Participating in this charity action are Ustadz Fakhurrasi, Ustad Dasad Latief, CEO of PSM Munafri Arifuddin and several PSM players.

Makassar Mayor Danny Pomanto (Instagram dpramdhanpomanto)

Earlier, Israel and Hamas militants agreed to a ceasefire, after 11 days of fighting that left hundreds dead and thousands more injured.

The peace deal between the two sides was appreciated by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, while expressing condolences to all victims of violence.

"I welcome the ceasefire between Gaza and Israel, after 11 days of deadly hostilities. I also extend my deepest condolences to all the victims of violence and their loved ones, throughout Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories," Antonio Guterres said

Guterres said it was important for the broader international community to work with the United Nations, develop an integrated and robust package of support for rapid and sustainable reconstruction and recovery to support the Palestinian people.

"I commend Egypt and Qatar for the efforts made, in close coordination with the UN, to help restore calm in Gaza and Israel," he said while calling on all parties to observe the ceasefire.

Guterres stressed that leaders in Palestine and Israel have a responsibility, to maintain the restoration of calm, to start a serious dialogue to address the root causes of the conflict.

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