JAKARTA - Chinland Defense Force (CDF) is again conducting an ambush on myanmar military regime security forces. This time an ambush was carried out against a convoy of two military trucks carrying logistical support.

Six people were killed, including a captain killed in an ambush carried out in Falam Township, on Falam-Kalay Street in Chin State on Friday.

"We defended against the reinforcements who came to Hakha. It starts around 8 a.m. At least six of Myanmar's military were killed. Their truck was thrown off a cliff," a spokesman for CDF Myanmar Now said, as quoted Sunday, May 23.

"The fighting, which lasted for more than three hours, also took one casualty on the PART of the CDF," the spokesman added.

The CDF spokesman continued, the attack on the convoy of trucks occurred when civilians in Mindat Township, about 400 km south of Falam, were attacked by regime forces.

Meanwhile, the Mindat People's Administration Team said regime forces were targeting vehicles carrying food and other supplies, for civilians displaced by clashes in the region.

It said the attacks on civilians on Friday morning in Chi Chaung and Pu Kun villages were both under the control of Myanmar's military regime.

They attack people who bring rations and medicines to refugees. It's vile and inhumane," Mindat People's Administration Team

Mindat has been under the control of Myanmar's military regime since launching a massive offensive in the area on May 15. This was followed by fighting in the cities of Hakha and Tedim, in the northern part of the state.

The day after the military offensive in Mindat, four junta soldiers were killed in a shootout in Tedim, according to the CDF. They also carried out an attack on a security post near Hakha University on Tuesday that claimed the lives of four regime soldiers and left at least 14 others injured.

Another fighting took place on Hakha-Matupi street on Wednesday. The clashes left three soldiers dead and at least five others injured, the CDF said. A military regime spokesman could not be reached for comment on the CDF statement.

State-run New Light of Myanmar media reported on Friday that 'armed citizens' had attacked the security gate, a regional camp in Hakha of a police station in Kanpetlet.

Meanwhile, in the state capital Hakha, military forces reportedly posed as civilians and used non-military vehicles to transport reinforcements and conduct land clearing operations.

For the record, the CDF Hakha has warned local civilians to be careful when in traffic lanes, not to be on the road between 10pm and 5am due to the current vulnerable situation.

Myanmar coup. Voi's editor continues to monitor the political situation in one of asean's member countries. Civilian casualties continue to fall. Readers can follow the news about Myanmar's military coup by tapping this link.

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