SALATIGA - COVID-19 has indeed made many changes. The Salatiga Morning Market is organized under a 'keep a distance' scheme for traders and buyers. Apart from being tidier, the rows of traders actually look instagramable.

Since April 27, this market has begun to be reorganized. The trick is, part of the Jalan Jenderal Sudirman agency is used so that activities in the market can apply physical distancing. So, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman will be closed from 01.00-06.30 WIB. Starting from the Tugu Jam Roundabout until the Reksa junction / Jalan Sukowati.

"The arrangement of the Morning Market will be carried out from Monday 27 April 2020 from 01.00 WIB to 06.30 WIB, by utilizing Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, starting from the intersection of Jalan Cutting to the junction of Jalan Sukowati / Reksa. Traders and buyers are required to wear masks," said the Head of the Protocol Section. and Communication of the Head of the Regional Secretariat of the City of Salatiga, Rahadi Widya Prasetya, as quoted from the official website of the Central Java Provincial Government, Wednesday, April 29.

Vehicles headed for Solo will be directed via Jalan Buksuling. Vehicles that will be active in the morning market are still allowed to enter Pasar Raya II Salatiga. Parking has been prepared in front of Pasar Raya II, on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, between the ex Hasil intersection (Cutting Road) to the Tugu Jam roundabout and several small roads adjacent to the Morning Market.

Salatiga Morning Market (Photo via the official website of the Central Java Provincial Government)

Strict rules are also enforced for traders and buyers there. If there are traders who are not wearing masks, they are not allowed to run a merchandise stalls.

"The discipline of traders and buyers is better. Approximately 90% have complied with health protocols such as maintaining distance, wearing masks and washing hands with soap in running water. For officers, I ask them to keep reminding about this," he said. Mayor of Salatiga Yuliyanto.

This market is the talk of many people. Starting from a snapshot of a resident via a drone that caught a row of traders at the Salatiga Morning Market. The colors of the umbrellas that cover their sales are combined with the green of the trees in the middle, resulting in a cool image composition.

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