JAKARTA - The late Sheikh Ali Jaber had an unpleasant event while preaching in Lampung. He was stabbed by an unknown person while filling activities at Falahuddin Mosque, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung City, September 13, 2020.

Sheikh Ali Jaber suffered a wound to the arm at the time.  Video footage of Sheikh Ali Jaber's stabbing went viral on social media. In the video, a man runs towards the stage from the right side of Sheikh Ali Jaber.

The same incident occurred during Friday Prayers at the Grand Mosque, May 21, 2021. There was a man dressed in ihram carrying a weapon about to attack Sheikh Baleelah who was becoming Khotib.

"A man attempted to enter the pulpit of Masjid Al Haram, Makkah while Sheikh Baleelah was delivering friday's Khutbah," wrote the information written by Bolnews.

The incident was also captured on camera and disseminated on social media. One of them by the owner of the Twitter account @hsharifain.

In his uploaded caption he wrote: "VIDEO: A man's attempt to approach Khotib during Khutbah Friday was thwarted by security officers"

Luckily public safety officers swiftly detained the man. So khotib Sheikh Baleelah remained safe to continue his preaching.

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