279 Million Indonesians Leak 279 Million Data, Commission IX Dpr Call BPJS Health Next Week
Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Saleh Partaonan Daulay (Nailin In Saroh/VOI)

JAKARTA - Commission IX of the House of Representatives will call BPJS Kesehatan to ask for an explanation related to the 279 million indonesian population data that was leaked and sold on internet forums.

Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Saleh Partaonan Daulay said he was surprised that there are population data registered in BPJS Kesehatan spread and traded through social media.

"It should be kept confidential by institutions in our country such as BPJS. This should not leak out," saleh said at the Secretariat of DPP PAN, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, May 21.

According to him in an exposure to commission IX dpr, BPJS Health since the last few years said the computerized system they have is a very secure computerized system. So that the existing data should be maintained properly and not leaked out.

"Therefore, we will propose how to have bpjs health give special information to commission IX related to this leak," saleh said.

Chairman of the PAN Faction in the House of Representatives said, his party will question 3 things about the data leak.

"First, what needs to be seen is the leaking of why, it needs to be asked. Then second, what impact did the leak have on the service. Third, approximately what the danger of leaks is for all of us," saleh explained.

According to him, these three things are important to be questioned because the data of BPJS Kesehatan participants have almost 210 million registered citizens.

"If everything leaks the data to people, it's dangerous! So we'll see how it impacts on that," Saleh said.

According to him, there is already a scheduling of a hearing meeting with BPJS Kesehatan next week. One of the things that will be discussed is the explanation related to this data leak, in addition to the vaccination issue.

"It's a lot yes, one of them is this (data leak, red). Start vaccine AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Sinopharm, and gotong royong," said the legislator dapil Sumut II.

Saleh added that from the three questions, the House of Representatives Commission IX will encourage the investigation of the data leak. If necessary, a forensic digital audit in cooperation with the State Cyber and Password Agency is required.

"Of course we will try to be traced why this could leak. Among them at the end of the audit was conducted on the leak," saleh said.

In addition to bpjs health data, Saleh also alluded to bpjs employment data. According to him, it becomes the motivation of Commission IX of the House of Representatives to work on how to make these institutions better in the future.

"If this here (BPJS Employment, red) leaked, then Mensos said the data 25 million wrong it's serious it. Whether it is related to all kinds of we do not know yet," saleh explained.

Previously, Social Minister Tri Rismaharini reported the existence of 21 million double data recipients of social assistance (bansos) to the office of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Risma said that 21 million double data has been disabled by the Ministry of Social Affairs in order to accommodate more people who have not received bansos throughout Indonesia.

"I frankly to this day have been back and forth questioning the data in BPJS Health. It's not clear yet suddenly Mensos says there are 25 million inappropriate data. Then so far 25 million given help or not? How to correct it how to pull again or not? It's not possible! Well now he says the data was put to sleep, then when was it awakened again? Or be left to sleep?," Saleh said.

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