JAKARTA - Former Spokesperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Febri Diansyah hopes that there is seriousness of the relevant parties to protect the right of communication and personal data.

This was conveyed after he and a number of other anticorruption activists suffered the hacking of WhatsApp and Telegram accounts on Thursday night, May 20.

"I heard, WA / Tele number tmn who advocate anticorruption jg experience the same thing. There is seriousness of the authorities to ensure the protection of the communication rights and personal data of citizens," he was quoted as saying from his Twitter account @febridiansyah, Friday, May 21.

Febri had reported that his WhatsApp account was inaccessible last night. Not only that, his Telegram account was also hacked but failed.

The anticorruption activist said the hack continued despite his use of two step verification on his WhatsApp account and a number of other security features available.

In addition to Febri, the Director of Inter-Commission and Agency Network Development (PJKAKI) KPK Sujanarko also experienced the same thing. He said his number was cloned by an irresponsible party to create a Telegram account.

In fact, he has never used the short message app Telegram. Cloning this number was only known at 20.31 WIB.

"Yes (number has been cloned, red)," Sujanarko said when contacted by VOI, Thursday, May 20.

Sujarnarko suspects that this action was carried out in connection with the Assessment of National Insight Test (TWK) which led to the deactivation of him and 74 other KPK employees including Novel Baswedan.

"I think it's related to TWK yes, (this, red) psywar aja," he said.

Not only that, senior kpk investigator Novel Baswedan also experienced the same thing. This was announced on his Twitter account @nazaqistha.

"My Telegram account was hijacked since 8:22 p.m. today and is not under my control," he said in the announcement.

He asked anyone who felt contacted via Telegram to ignore the message. Because, the Telegram account that uses his name and photo is not under his control.

Sujanarko and Novel are often vocal about the National Insight Test (TWK) which is a condition of transferring staffing status from independent to State Civil Apparatus (ASN). This status transfer is based on KPK Law No. 19 of 2019.

Sujanarko even represented ineligible employees (TSM) in the test to report five kpk leaders to the Ombudsman of The Republic of Indonesia on Wednesday, May 19. This reporting was done after the employees complained to the KPK Supervisory Board.

A report to the Ombudsman was made because dozens of these officers felt the test was maladministration.

There are six alleged maladministration actions alleged to have been committed by the KPK leadership in the process of transfer of staffing status. Among other things, related to the issuance of a Certificate of National Insight Test Results (TWK) which led to the deactivation of 75 employees who were not eligible until the employee interview session.

Meanwhile, Febri Diansyah often alludes to TWK's policy on his Twitter account. Including alluding to the same events in each process of weakening the KPK, namely the preconditions of information conducted by buzzers and other key figures, policy executions, and hacking of figures who are seen as central to advocacy.

Not only that, he also mentioned there are questions about TWK that are not related to the duties of the employees, including questions that touch the private realm such as why he is not married and whether he is willing to be a second wife.

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