JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Island Province defected as many as 17 infants or children under the age of one in the area positive for COVID-19.

Bangka District COVID-19 Task Force Spokesman Boy Yandra said out of 3,519 total cases of COVID-19 spread over the past year, there have been 17 babies who have been positively exposed to COVID-19.

"Dozens of babies who were confirmed positive for COVID-19 all have a history of direct contact with their parents who were first infected with COVID-19," he said in Sungailiat, reported by Antara, Thursday, May 20.

He said dozens of babies under the age of one who were COVID-19 positive were still partially in isolation for the health recovery process by the health team.

In addition to the dozens of babies who are known to be COVID-19 positive, he said, 146 children in the one to four-year-old age group also experienced the same thing.

While the age group of 20 to 40 years old is at the highest number of cases spread to 1,625 cases, age 45 to 54 years 463 cases and the number of others are in the group over 55 years, he said.

He reminded the public to improve the disciplinary pattern of the application of health prokses considering the spread of cases still occurring in some sub-districts.

"Today there are additional positive cases of COVID-19 as many as 40 people while 31 people are recovering while still undergoing isolation 268 people," said Boy Yandra.

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