JAKARTA - Commander of the Military Resort 172/Praja Wira Yakthi (PWY) Brig. Gen. Izak Pangemanan stated that four TNI soldiers who were shot in Serambakon, Bintang Mountains, Tuesday, May 18, night, due to the record or reflection of bullets fired hit the asphalt, then bounced to the victim's feet.

"I have asked the soldiers who were treated at Marthen Indey Hospital, and drawn the conclusion of the wound due to the record during a shootout with the KKB (Armed Criminal Group)", said Brig. Gen. Izak Pangemanan reported by Antara, in Jayapura, Thursday, May 20.

He explained that four victims during a shootout with KKB from that height were pushing a car that broke down.

"The car they were riding in broke down while trying to cross the 2nd Surambakon Bridge, which was then fired at", Izak said, adding that during the shootout there was a possibility of bullets being fired on the asphalt and ricocheting so that it hit the victim's leg.


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Members who did not drive the car were not hit by gunfire, Brig. Gen. Izak said.

Danrem 172 confirmed that investigations related to the case of gun contact in the Bintang Mountains region are still being conducted to uncover other factors.

"Whoever the group is going to be pursued because it will upset other civilians", he said.

The shootout between KKB and members of Yonif 403/WP and Yonif 310/KK Mobile Task Force, Tuesday, May 18, night, while passing at Kayu Bridge 2, Yapimakot Village, Serambakon District, Gunung Bintang Regency.

The four injured members were Serka Dian Hardiana and Praka Kuku Ismail from Yonif 310/KK, and Serda Sukrisdianto and Pratu Romi from Yonif 403/WP.

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