JAKARTA - Police say Papua's armed criminal group (KKB) is divided into nine sections. They are scattered in various regions in Papua.

"They are divided into 7 to 9 groups scattered in various regions," Head of Public Relations Division of Kombes Police Ahmad Ramadhan told reporters on Thursday, May 20.

Not only the number of groups, continued Ramadan, the strength of each group has been ticked. That is, the TNI-Polri already know the weaponry and the number of members in the loyal group.

"We have mapped them also including strength. Let's say the power of weaponry they have," he said.

Even so, it's not easy to catch them. Because, the terrain is heavy so it complicates the hunt. It's just that their whereabouts have been mapped out.

"The terrain from where they hide is a wide field. Including dense and hilly forests. This is a challenge for TNI officials," he said

"But the position of those TNI-Polri has been able to start mapping and continue to pursue the armed criminal group," ramadhan continued

Previously reported, the National Police has mapped members of armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua. The number reaches 150 people.

Hundreds of people were divided into groups with a leader. The KKB in Papua has always spread acts of terror by targeting TNI-Polri and civilians.

Not only the militants, KKB also has sympathizers. However, for the number of police officers do not have definitive data.

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