JAKARTA - Political observer of Al Azhar Indonesia University Andriadi Achmad highlighted the statement of the General Chairperson of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP), Megawati Soekarnoputri, who alluded to concern about decreasing public discipline in health protocols (prokes), and corruption cadres at the meeting event of party administrators.
According to Andriadi, Megawati's policymaker, reminded 3 main points in her speech.
First, their concern is because there are still many people who are negligent of health services during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially regarding the Eid homecoming and inviting cadres to comply with the health program.
Second, remind cadres to stay away from corrupt practices and emphasize that cadres who are caught as corruptors are very detrimental and damage the big name of the PDIP.
Third, invite all cadres to work hard in fighting for the people and fight for victory in the 2024 elections. "It is very important for Megawati to remind all of her cadres, where currently PDIP is in power both in the executive and legislative branches. Especially at the national level and in power at some levels of regions in Indonesia to maintain the mandate and name of the PDIP," Andriadi told VOI, Thursday, May 20.
Megawati, he added, also warned not to let a handful of cadres have problems, then damage the PDIP and it is feared that it will affect the 2024 election.
"PDIP must draw lessons from the experience of the Democratic Party as the winner of the 2009 election (20.4 percent) and rule well in executive and legislative. As a result of many Democratic party cadres entangled in corruption cases, the 2014 election for the Democratic Party fell to fourth position (10.19 percent)," said Andriadi.
Previously, the Chairperson of the DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri spoke about her concern with decreasing public discipline in health protocols (prokes) including reminding cadres not to be corrupted.
"Mr. Jokowi and I are both concerned about how discipline towards health services has decreased. This can be seen when going home," Megawati said as quoted from a written statement, Wednesday, May 19.
This was conveyed by Megawati during a virtual meeting with PDIP officials and party wing organizations from all over Indonesia. Megawati told the PDIP board about her meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).
The meeting is carried out dialogically. Megawati repeatedly invited regional officials to speak. Megawati did not seem to have any difficulties in identifying the district/city level officials she was talking to.
Megawati asked for a little nostalgia when she was at the beginning of her leadership in the party. Including when the party's office was attacked in the New Order regime. Also, in the beginning, she had to travel around Indonesia and appoint party officials in the sub-districts. For her, such character should not change.
"I cannot bear to hear if anyone is arrested for corruption. It has tarnished the name of the party. You have to remember 'one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel'. That's why no corruption," reminded Megawati.
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