SEMARANG - COVID-19 Task Force officers from the TNI-Polri element and airport officials arrested a potential passenger who faked a COVID-19 free certificate or an antigen rapid test result letter named Pratmin (56) at Ahmad Yani International Airport, Semarang.

Kapolrestabes Semarang Kombes Irwan Anwar said the suspect's arrest began when he was going to Pekanbaru from Ahmad Yani International Airport, Semarang.

At that time, he continued, the suspect brought a COVID-19-free certificate from the dr. Asmir Salatiga as one of the flight conditions.

"When he saw the rapid antigen test certificate brought by the suspect, the COVID-19 Task Force was suspicious because there was something odd, starting from the examination hours, the 'template', to the official signature on the letter," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 19.

According to him, in the letter the results of the antigen rapid test stated that the examination of the person concerned was carried out on Tuesday, May 18 at 08.04 WIB, while the perpetrator flew at 08.30 WIB.

In addition, the signature of the laboratory officer in charge of the letter, which was later found to be a fake, was an old official.

"Even though the suspect went to the airport at eight in the morning and this letter seemed to have been signed by the head on behalf of A, even though A was transferred several months ago," said Kombes Irwan.

The COVID-19 free certificate brought by the suspect was confirmed through the Army Hospital in Salatiga City and was declared a fake because the local laboratory never issued the letter.

Until now, the police have continued to develop investigations into cases of falsification of this COVID-19 free certificate.

Meanwhile, Dandim 0733 / BS Colonel Inf Yudhi Diliyanto said that his party had confirmed with the document maker of the medical examination brought by the suspect. The letter was confirmed to be fake, and the letter-making agency never issued the certificate.

"We appeal to the public, carry out in accordance with procedures when traveling," he said.

To be accountable for his actions, the suspect who is still undergoing examination is charged with Article 263 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code concerning Document Falsification with the threat of a sentence of 6 years in prison.

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