JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is exploring the process of purchasing household furniture to fill the house of former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo, in Muara Enim, South Sumatra.

"Mr. Edhy at Widya Chandra's official residence asked, 'Who can help me to fill the house in Palembang', then Bang Safri said 'Yofi just', I just kept quiet, but my boss told me to refuse his name," said Yoviana Dwi Nasution, during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 19.

Yoviana witnessed six defendants, namely Edhy Prabowo, Andreau Misanta Pribadi and Safri (Edhy Prabowo's special staff), Amiril Mukminin (Edhy's personal secretary), Ainul Faqih (sespri Iis), and Siswadhi Pranoto Loe (owner of PT Aero Cipta Kargo) who were charged with receiving US $ 77 thousand and Rp. 24.625 billion together, bringing the total to around Rp. 25.75 billion from the lobster clear seed exporters (BBL) related to the granting of cultivation and export permits.

"Then I discussed with Bang Safri and Amiril. Pak Edhy did not say in detail, but only said to buy a sofa, the sheets were like that," said Yoviana.

Yoviana, who became Edhy Prabowo's personal secretary, then ordered a number of electronics and household furniture in Jakarta.

"Amiril then sent money, but I don't remember exactly about Rp. 200 million. I used my husband's account, because my ATM can only make a maximum transaction per day of Rp. 20 million, while my husband can get Rp. 100 million, so one swipe is easier and more practical," he said. Yoviana.

Yoviana's husband, Fachrizal Kasogi was also presented as a witness at this trial.

It was revealed that the money was sent in two stages, namely on November 17, 2020, amounting to Rp. 100 million, and on November 19, 2020, amounting to Rp. 100 million.

"I bought electronic items such as TVs, air conditioners, washing machines, then household appliances such as napkins, dish racks, glasses, spoons, teapots, wine bottle openers, I don't remember having submitted the details to investigators," said Yoviana.

However, Yoviana has not had the chance to deliver the furniture to Palembang.

"When Pak Edhy returned from the United States, all his belongings should have been there," said Yoviana.

However, Edhy Prabowo was caught in the Hand Catch Operation (OTT) of the KPK on November 25, 2020 in the early hours of the morning.

Of the Rp200 million, according to Kasogi, not all of it has been spent.

"Of the Rp. 200 million spent, Rp. 98 million, but then I borrowed Rp. 25 million, because I crashed into a car, and Rp. 75 has been handed over to the KPK," said Kasogi.

In the indictment, it was stated that Edhy Prabowo used PT Aero Citra Kargo (ACK) owned by Siswadhi Pranoto Lee to export lobster seeds even though the actual delivery work was carried out by PT Perishable Logistics Indonesia (PT. PLI) which is also owned by Siswadhi.

The distribution of payments from the lobster seed exporting company is PT ACK to get Rp1,450, while PT PLI is Rp350 per head, so that the overall cost for exporting BBL is Rp1,800 per head of BBL.

Edhy Prabowo's personal secretary, Amiril Mukminin, asked the composition of PT ACK's share to be Achmad Bahtiar (41.65 percent), Amri (41.65 percent), Yudi Surya Atmaja (16.7 percent) with Achmad Bahtiar and Amri as representatives of Edhy Prabowo, while Yudi represented Siswadhi.

Since PT ACK operated in June-November 2020, PT ACK received a net profit of IDR 38,518,300,187, so that the total profit sharing to Amri was IDR 12,312 billion; to Achmad Bachtiar in the amount of Rp12,312 billion; and Yudi Surya Atmaja in the amount of Rp5.047 billion.

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