This Is Evidence Of Drugs Confiscated From Rita Soegiarto's Son

JAKARTA - The police confiscated a narcotic type of methamphetamine weighing 0.9 grams from the arrest of Rita Soegiarto's senior sworddut son, Raffi Zimah, in the Ciracas area, East Jakarta. In addition, the police also found a methamphetamine suction device.

"At the time of the arrest and search, it was found that there were illegal items. The type of methamphetamine was 0.9 grams and then a suction device or bong," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, to reporters, Wednesday, May 19.

Based on the investigation, Raffi admitted that he bought the crystal methamphetamine from a colleague named RW. The police immediately developed an investigation.

As a result, RW was arrested in the Kelapa Dua Wetan area, Ciracas, East Jakarta. From these arrests, the police also discovered methamphetamine-type narcotics.

"And we did a search of the RW. We found 1 clip weighing 0.2 grams of crystal methamphetamine," said Yusri.

The police again developed the narcotics case. A dealer with the initials AK was arrested in the Kayu Putih area, Pondok Cabe, South Tangerang.

"We did a search and we found 2 grams of crystal methamphetamine. We will develop this again in the field," said Yusri.

As a result of his actions, the suspects had to languish in iron bars. The articles that were suspected of them were different

For Raffi, the suspicion was under Article 127 paragraph 1 of the Narcotics Law. This article regulates the threat of imprisonment of 4 years.

Meanwhile, RW and AK are charged under Article 114 in conjunction with Article 112 concerning narcotics. Both face imprisonment for a maximum of 20 years.

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