JAKARTA - Gerindra Party expert Ery Cahyaningrum admitted that he sent 26 bottles of wine to two official residences of the former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo.

"Yes, 26 bottles were sent to Widya Chandra and Kalibata (official residence)," said Ery at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 19.

Ery witnessed six defendants, namely Edhy Prabowo, Andreau Misanta Pribadi and Safri (Edhy Prabowo's special staff), Amiril Mukminin (Edhy's personal secretary), Ainul Faqih (sespri Iis) and Siswadhi Pranoto Loe (owner of PT Aero Cipta Kargo) who were co-accused -sama received 77 thousand US dollars and 24.625 billion rupiah, bringing the total to around Rp 25.75 billion from lobster seed exporters (BBL) related to the granting of cultivation and export permits.

"There are different types of wine, there is French and there is Australia," added Ery.

The two types of wine Ery deliver are the Chateau Pontet-canet Pauillac Grand Cru and the Australian Red Wines.

"Widya Chandra went to one dozen, the remaining one dozen or so went to the office of Kalibata members," said Ery.

Ery admitted that he was asked to send wine to the two locations at the request of Edhy Prabowo's personal secretary, Amiril Mukminin, whom he has known since 2014.

"At first Amiril ordered because at that time there was an embargo on French products, I was asked to find it and I happened to have an acquaintance with a wine importer so I was just an intermediary," said Ery.

In total, Ery got paid Rp. 99.4 million for the payment of 26 bottles of wine.

"Payment through the first two accounts from Achmad Bahtiar was Rp50 million and the second from Amri was Rp.49 million," added Ery.

"This is the name Amiril Mukminin, why are the leaders of the believers being offered wine?" asked member of the panel of judges Ali Mukhtarom.

"He once said he liked wine," replied Ery.

"Sent to Widya Chandra on whose behalf?" asked the judge.

"Sent by courier on behalf of Amiril," replied Ery.

"This is an expert from the Gerindra Party, how come the statement is actually related to wine. Moreover, this is an expensive wine 'Chateau Pontet-canet Pauillac Grand Cru', I have drunk it but it's really expensive," said the chairman of the panel of judges Albertus Usada.

In the indictment, it was stated that Edhy Prabowo used PT Aero Citra Kargo (ACK) owned by Siswadhi Pranoto Lee to export lobster seeds even though the delivery work was actually carried out by PT. Perishable Logistics Indonesia (PT. PLI) which is also owned by Siswadhi.

The distribution of payments from the lobster seed exporting company is PT ACK to get Rp1,450 while PT PLI is Rp350 per head so that the overall cost for exporting BBL is Rp1,800 per head of BBL.

Edhy Prabowo's personal secretary, Amiril Mukminin, asked the composition of PT ACK's share to be Achmad Bahtiar (41.65 percent), Amri (41.65 percent), Yudi Surya Atmaja (16.7 percent) with Achmad Bahtiar and Amri as representatives of Edhy Prabowo while Yudi became Siswadhi's representative.

Since PT ACK operated in June-November 2020, PT ACK received a net profit of IDR 38,518,300,187 so that the total profit sharing to Amri was IDR 12,312 billion; to Achmad Bachtiar in the amount of Rp12,312 billion; and Yudi Surya Atmaja in the amount of Rp5.047 billion.

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