JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion emphasizes that Indonesia continues to support the Palestinian people's struggle for independence.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Islamic Guidance and Guidance at the Ministry of Religion, M. Fuad Nasar, stated that Indonesia's position would never change. This is because defending people or nations who are oppressed and wronged on earth is the commandment of Islamic teachings.

"Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world continues to support and assist the struggle of the Palestinian people," said Fuad in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 19.

According to him, massive solidarity action by raising funds to help the Palestinian people is a form of Islamic brotherhood.

One of the reflections of the attitude of the Islamic community is to show their solidarity with the sufferings of their siblings in various ways.

"Religious motivation has an essential role in mobilizing and maintaining the solidarity of Muslims in supporting the struggle for Palestinian independence," he said.

Fuad assessed that the uncertain Palestinian conflict is a universal humanitarian problem. These problems, he said, would certainly touch the conscience of mankind who by nature love peace and are nonviolent.

Moreover, Indonesia and Palestine are two friends. "Bung Karno has even emphasized that as long as the independence of the Palestinian people has not been handed over to the Palestinians, that is why the Indonesian nation has stood against the Israeli occupation," he said.

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