JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Junimart Girsang assessed the polemic regarding the status of 75 Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees who did not pass the national insight test (TWK) must be ended by appointing them to become Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK).

According to him, there is nothing to argue about because the 75 KPK employees have been decided not to be dismissed. However, they are directed to immediately hand over their respective assignments to their superiors. "If they do not pass the TWK assessment, of course the employee will fall into the PPPK category so no one will suffer losses," said Junimart, Wednesday, May 19.

"Once again, there is nothing to be debated and debated by coachmen. So that the TWK problem does not become a wild ball, even though it can be accommodated through PPPK," he continued.

The PDI-Perjuangan politician revealed that the main task of the KPK in terms of transferring employee status is only to enforce the rules and orders of Law no. 19/2019 concerning the second amendment to the KPK Law. SK. Chairman of the KPK No. 652/2021 dated May 7, 2021, which reads as dictum one so that KPK employees hand over their duties and responsibilities to their direct superiors. While waiting for further decisions. "The KPK enforces the rules, so follow the rules," said the former member of Commission III of the DPR.

According to Junimart, the KPK employees must obey the existing regulations. The reason is, TWK is enforced as the main requirement for employees to be transferred as State Civil Servants (ASN). "All working people are obliged to obey the rules, not question the rules. This is called workers who have integrity," said Junimart. The State and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) can make PPPK appointments for the 75 KPK employees. Also, they can immediately send SK for KPK employees who pass TWS as civil servants.

Junimart reminded that this appointment must be carried out immediately so that there will be no more confusion and this situation is not taken advantage of by people whose 'hobbies' create a cloudy atmosphere regarding the KPK.

"The chairman and deputy chairmen of the KPK must be consistent and consistent with the rules that have been implemented. It cannot be intervened by anyone. Must have an attitude!" Said Junimart Girsang.

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