JAKARTA - The audience was shocked to witness a brief, viral video recording of a woman wearing a hijab who ferociously cursed at the police officers who were tasked with preventing homecoming before Eid. The incident occurred at the border of Bogor Regency and Sukabumi Regency before Eid. According to psychologist Kasandra Putranto, there needs to be a deterrent effect so that such actions do not just pass away.

What happened to a mother named Hesti and a man who drove by her car, who later became known as Raminto, was 3M. Namely angry, sorry and teasing. In order not to happen again, there needs to be a deterrent effect. This can be a lesson for those concerned as well as for others.

Apart from the hijab mother, there is also a woman named Gustuti Rohmawati. He went viral on social media for scolding officers at the South Ring Road intersection, Ciwandan, Cilegon intersection post. In fact, the officers are only carrying out their duties to reverse the motorists who are going to Carita.

Ibu Berhijab saat meminta maaf atas perbuatannya, (Istimewa)
Mother Hijab when apologizing for her actions, (Special)

Clinical psychologist Kasandra Putranto said that from these two cases, sanctions were imposed on travelers who were arrogant when they were prohibited, so that there would be no more similar cases. "There must be a consequence because there must be a punishment so that there is a deterrent effect," said Kasandra to Rizky Aditya Pratama from VOI, who contacted him on Tuesday, May 18.

This sanction is to prevent the public's mindset that can underestimate the warning from the officer. Violators, including obstructing officers, should be punished so that they become an example for other communities to obey the rules.

"If there is no snare effect, there will be similar things. (If there is no sanction) just apologize after that is over," he said.

On the other hand, Kasandra also said that there are several factors that influence or encourage their arrogant actions. For example, related to intellectual intelligence.

"What is intellectual intelligence? Do you understand that in a pandemic situation there is a government ban, there are legal consequences, it is considered intellectual intelligence," said Kasandra.

Then, other factors, namely emotional and social intelligence. These two factors are also very influential on the attitude of the travelers. "Emotional intelligence is how a person can control himself. Social intelligence is the ability to understand the understanding of social norms, it may not be like this or that. Legal norms, religious norms," he said.

Previously, psychologist Lita Gading had a similar suggestion. If someone is arrogant like this, he needs to be given strict sanctions so that it can be a lesson for himself and also for others.

So according to Kasandra Putranto, there must be an action that gives a deterrent effect to a woman who is wearing a hijab and also a woman named Gustuti Rohmawati who was so fierce when she was stopped by officers during the homecoming barrier operation. The goal is that there is a deterrent and learning effect for others.

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