JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the procurement of Gotong Royong vaccine stocks was only carried out by PT Bio Farma.
This needs to be known in order to prevent the emergence of counterfeit vaccines that are included in the ongoing independent vaccination program of private companies.
"The process of procuring vaccines used in mutual aid vaccination is carried out by PT Bio Farma, which is also supervised by the government," Wiku said in a Youtube broadcast by the Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, May 18.
In addition, the implementation of Gotong Royong vaccination for employees must be coordinated with the local Health Office. Data on employees and families who receive vaccines must be reported in order to avoid double data collection with the national vaccination program.
"Reporting is done through a single COVID-19 data information system or manually by reporting to the local Health Office," said Wiku.
Regarding the complaint mechanism for post-immunization follow-up events (KIPI) and compensation if a KIPI is found, the reporting is the same as the handling of government vaccination programs.
Gotong Royong vaccine recipients receive a telephone number for officers who can be contacted if they feel symptoms of AEFI. They can also directly check their health at a local health facility.
For information, Gotong Royong vaccination starts on Monday 17 May. The provision of mutual assistance vaccination has been regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 10 of 2021.
In the Permenkes, mutual cooperation vaccination is the implementation of vaccination for employees / female employees, families, and other individuals in the family whose funding is borne by legal entities or business entities. Therefore, recipients of the mutual cooperation vaccination program are free of charge.
Currently, there are two types of vaccines that will be used in mutual aid vaccination, namely Sinopharm and CanSino. The mutual cooperation injection procedure is also carried out twice with a certain time interval. Gotong royong vaccine recipients will also get the same type of vaccine at the first and second injections.
The government has officially set the purchase price for the COVID-19 vaccine for the mutual aid vaccination program of IDR 321,660 per dose and a maximum tariff for vaccination services of IDR 117,910.
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