JAKARTA - The adjutant of the former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo, named Dicky Hartawan, admitted that he received cash up to IDR 100 million as supplies for a working visit to Palembang, South Sumatra.

"I once received Rp100 million from Amiril during a work visit to Palembang in November 2020, because every visit when the money in the bag is running low must be filled immediately," said Dicky at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 18.

Dicky was the witness for the six defendants. namely Edhy Prabowo, Andreau Misanta Pribadi and Safri (special staff of Edhy Prabowo), Amiril Mukminin (Edhy's personal secretary), Ainul Faqih (wife of Edhy Prabowo's wife, Iis Rosita Dewi) and Siswadhi Pranoto Loe (owner of PT Aero Cipta Kargo) who were jointly charged -sama received 77 thousand US dollars and 24.625 billion rupiah, bringing the total to around Rp 25.75 billion from lobster seed exporters (BBL) related to the granting of cultivation and export permits.

"The bag contains money. When the Minister left the residence, he immediately handed over the bag to the adjutant. Then until the end of the day's activities we held it and after that we returned it to the Minister," said Dicky.

Dicky then contacted Amiril to immediately fill the money in the bag.

"Amiril then said someone would send the waiting money, reportedly, suddenly a call came to me and the money was to be handed over on the 17th floor of the Arya Duta hotel but first forgot the amount, only that person said the money was not yet Rp. 100 million then half an hour later he returned to bring it. the rest of the money, "added Dicky.

However, Dicky admitted that he did not know the source of the money. "The use of money according to the instructions, such as buying goods, giving tips, paying for restaurants, is for 2-3 days," said Dicky.

However, the Rp100 million, according to Dicky, did not run out. "But I do not remember exactly how much is left, I also did not report any use of the money to Amiril and the Minister," added Dicky.

Dicky said that usually Amiril gave money by transfer of Rp. 20-30 million.

"The range of money that was transferred to my account was Rp. 20 million or Rp. 30 million, but the biggest one was what Amiril appointed earlier," said Dicky.

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