MEDAN - Residents in the 17th Ward Harjosari II Village, Medan Amplas Subdistrict have been hijacked by the head of the environment (Kepling) named Eka to take care of population administration documents (adminduk).

Even though the money has been given, it turns out that the administrative documents being processed have not been completed even though it has been one year. The amount of money pegged to residents varies for the administration of administrative documents by the Kepling, starting from IDR 450 thousand to IDR 2.6 million.

This was conveyed by residents during a meeting with the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution at the Harjosari II Urban Village Office, Medan Amplas District, Tuesday, May 18.

One by one, residents complained and the amount of fees they had to spend to be able to obtain adminduk documents such as birth certificates, family cards (KK) or identity cards (KTP).

Joined with Bobby, Head of Medan Amplas Sub-district, Edi Mulia Matondang. Edi carefully listened to the residents' complaints that were conveyed to Bobby Nasution.

"If I want to take care of documents for UMKM assistance, transfer documents and family cards, if I have a total of Rp. 550 thousand, the money is given directly to the Kepling at that time in Kanal, my wife is a witness," said Hendra Pangeran, one of the extortion victims.

Hendra said that based on Eka's narrative, the 17 Kepling money was given to simplify matters at the Disdukcapil Office.

"He said for Disdukcapil people, I just gave them, apparently the files were not ready," he said.

According to him, in the neighborhood where he lives, there are still many residents who are victims of these elements.

The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, was furious at the behavior of the Kepling. He could not understand that there were still quotes to residents who wanted to take care of administrative documents.

To the Camat and Lurah, Bobby asked the Kepling to be replaced. Bobby also asked that the quoted public money be returned.

"We say this is a disease that must be cured besides COVID. It's been a long time, we continue to try. This afternoon I coordinated with saber extortion. Here we find people who take care of family cards, birth certificates for up to a year, pay as well. A letter of transfer. up to Rp. 500 thousand, even though there are no charges at all, "he said.

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