JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya arrested two people with the initials RP (28) and AH (35) who were involved in a case of theft accompanied by sexual violence against a 15-year-old child in Bekasi, West Java.

While the brains of theft and perpetrators of sexual violence that has the initials RTS (26) is still in police pursuit.

"The role of rp is to monitor the surrounding situation at the time of RTS theft. Ah it turns out that the owner of the motorcycle used by the suspect RTS and RP to perform the action," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus, Monday, May 17.

Yusri explained that the two perpetrators were arrested based on reports from the victim's parents who reported to the Bekasi City Metro Police, their children became victims of sexual violence and mobile phone theft.

The incident occurred on Sunday, May 16 at around 4:30 a.m. At that time the RTS suspect managed to get into the victim's house by removing the exhaust fan or ventilation.

The RTS suspect who saw the victim was alone then sexually assaulted the victim and seized two "mobile phones" belonging to the victim.

After the incident, the victim complained to his parents who immediately reported the incident to the police and in less than 24 hours the suspects RP and AH were arrested.

When examined both were known to be 'pak ogah', police also conducted urine tests and both were declared positive for taking amphetamines and methamphetamine. Both substances are often found in ecstasy and methamphetamine.

Background checks on both also found that RP and AH were recidivists in theft cases.

Polda Metro Jaya also appealed to the RTS suspect to immediately turn himself in and take responsibility for his actions.

"As an encouragement also to RTS please turn yourself in as soon as possible so that we can process, otherwise we will pursue to anywhere, the identity and address in question we already know, currently officers are still moving in the field," said Yusri.

In this case RP and AH are ensnared by Article 365 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code and Article 480 of the Criminal Code concerning the imprisonment of 5 years in prison

While RTS is threatened with Article 285 of the Criminal Code and or Article 76D Jo Article 81 of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection with the threat of 12 years in prison.

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