JAKARTA - Ambon Island Police and Lease Islands, Maluku, have named three people as suspected perpetrators of the raising of rms separatist flags in Ulath Village, Saparua District, Central Maluku Regency, and one of them is a recidivist in the same case." One perpetrator with the initials FP is an old player or recidivist, while two of his colleagues with the initials AP and ML are new perpetrators," said Kasubag Public Relations Police Ambon Island and Lease Islands Ipda I. Leatemia in Ambon, Sunday.The perpetrators who have been herded to Mapolresta Ambon have also been detained and the police ensnared them in violation of Article 106 kuhpidana and or article 110 KUHPidana with the threat of a maximum sentence of life imprisonment or 20 years imprisonment.

According to him, these perpetrators carried out a separatist flag raising on May 15, 2021 in Ulath Village, Saparua Subdistrict.The action was carried out to coincide with the celebration of the birthday of National Hero Thomas Matulessy aka Kapitan Pattimura in 2021." Initially the police detained two suspects and after the development of the investigation of the case and then it was known that there was one more perpetrator so that the police immediately made an arrest," explained Leatemia.Police have also confiscated two pieces of foreign flags flown by the perpetrators on a mango pohoh near a house of residents named A. Manuputty.Bhabinkamtibmas local reported that the foreign flag was hoisted on Saturday (15/5) early in the morning around 02.30 WIT and finally lowered half an hour later. In the morning Bhabinkamtibmas also reported that there were two similar flag raisings in the village, precisely in front of the house of an AP citizen and in front of the house of Secretary of State Ulath with the initials WT and the perpetrators of the raising were known until the police arrested them.

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