JAKARTA - Three sub-districts in Malianu Regency, North Kalimantan have been submerged since Saturday, May 15. Flooding with a height of between 30 centimeters to 2 meters was triggered by high rainfall.

Kapusdatinkom Disaster BNPB Raditya Jati said rain with high intensity caused the river to overflow, so that the water overflowed into the settlement.

"Flooding is triggered by high rainfall since yesterday so that the water discharge of Funu and Kenipe Rivers in the district of Mentarang Hulu overflows. In addition to the two rivers, malinau river water discharge also overflows," Raditya said in a statement, Sunday, May 16.

As a result of the flood, people in some villages temporarily evacuated to relatives. The move took place during the flooding to date.

The flood occurred in Malianu District, precisely Malinau Hulu village and Pelina Canaan; Mentarang Hulu subdistrict precisely in The Village of Long Berangkat, Long Simau, Long Makatip, Long Kebinu, Long Sulit, and Long Semamu; and Mentarang Subdistrict precisely in Long Bisai Village, Paking, and Sapi Island.

Raditya said, Malinau District Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) urged residents to be vigilant and alert.

"BPBD informs people living downstream to be careful. When the flood occurred, local BPBD personnel immediately conducted a quick review and data collection of impacts in the field. Personnel face obstacles in reaching the location because of the remote affected location," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics predicts the potential for light rain in three flooded sub-districts until tomorrow. People are encouraged to be aware of potential hydrometeorological disasters.

Seen in the analysis of InaRISK, the three sub-districts include 12 subdistricts in North Kalimantan Province with the potential for moderate to high category flood hazards.

Districts with potential flood hazards with these categories include Sungai Boh, Kayan Selatan, Kayan Hilir, Pujungan, Bahan Hulu, Malinau Selatan, Malinau Selatan Hulu, Malinau Selatan Hilir, Mentarang, Malinau Utara, Malinau Barat and Malinau Kota.

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