JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to be in the spotlight after disabling 75 of their employees, including senior investigator Novel Baswedan who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment. Most recently, many parties highlighted the attitude of the four leaders of this anti-corruption commission.

The four Vice-Chairmen of KPK namely Nurul Ghufron, Nawawi Pomolango, Alexander Marwata, and Lili Pintauli Siregar are said to only be able to follow the wishes of KPK chairman Firli Bahuri. In fact, if you look at the KPK Law No. 19 of 2019 Article 21 Paragraph 4 mentioned the five leaders must work collectively collegially.

The assumption was conveyed by the researchers of the Center for Constitutional Studies (PUSAKO) Andalas University, Feri Amsari who assessed the leaders of the Antirasuah commission as if not understanding the collective principles of collegial and simply obey Firli's wishes.

In fact, he said, these four leaders are puppets driven by groups that are considered to have interests.

"This is strange, the other four leaders do not understand collegial collective. I see that other leaders are just puppets driven by the same interests towards Mr. Firli", Feri told reporters On Friday, May 14.

He considers that there has never been a stance taken by the four leaders of the anti-corruption commission. "More of them as useless people only in KPK", said Feri.

He also criticized the attitude of the KPK Supervisory Board who seemed unwilling to know about the polemics that occurred in Antirasuah institutions. Thus, Feri suspects Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean et al, is part of the 'game' that is currently happening in KPK.

"For me, Supervisory Board of KPK has long been suspected to be part of this game. That's why, not many of the Supervisory Board are assertive even as if they do not want to know", he said.

This polemic also led Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) to urge the KPK Supervisory Board to evaluate Firli Bahuri, et al. In fact, if necessary, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, et al must be strict in case of violation of the code of conduct in the polemic of deactivation of 75 employees.

"ICW urges that the KPK Supervisory Board take the initiative to examine KPK leaders, including Firli Bahuri for various alleged violations of the code of conduct", said ICW researcher Egi Primayogha.

Anticorruption activists assess the KPK is on the verge of destruction and decay. So, the Supervisory Board needs to take decisive and serious action to safeguard the KPK.

"For the KPK to be kept from destruction and decay, the supervisory board must take decisive and serious action", he said.

Not only that, he said five KPK leaders should be responsible for the noise that occurred. "Various accumulations of problems and noises in the KPK can not be released from the responsibility of the Chairman of the KPK and other KPK Leaders", said Egi.

Firli excited to encourage the implementation of TWK

In the midst of the polemic that occurred, several KPK employees who did not pass the assessment as a condition of transfer of staffing status open voice. Starting from the peculiarities of the problem to the alleged parties excited to encourage the National Insight Test (TWK) implementation was revealed.

Chairman of the Task Force (Kasatgas) KPK Harun Al-Rasyid said THIS TWK was not made on the decision of all KPK leaders. He mentioned that Firli who excited to encourages this test to be a condition of switching staffing status according to KPK Law No. 19 of 2019.

"I have communicated several times with other leaders and this has been stated by other leaders it turns out that in the KPK there is no collegial", Harun told reporters on Wednesday, May 12.

He said Firli did not hear the advice of four other KPK leaders. "The chairman of the KPK who is persistent and excited to encourages the conduct of national insight tests", he said.

Harun also called Firli smart to build a public narrative. He said Firli set a strategy to keep the other KPK leaders silent to explain the test.

"If only other leaders dared to state this to the public that 'what was conveyed by the chairman of the KPK that the implementation of TWK was the desire of the leadership collectively collegial is not true and nonsense' would have been game over this game", he said.

Not only that, he accused Firli of moving secretly to disable him and Novel Baswedan along with 73 other employees. This allegation arose, because of the attitude of the former Deputy Of Kpk Crackdown after conveying there were ineligible employees (TMS) in the test.

Firli considered it indifferent to the public response and ignored the Constitutional Court's decision. The evidence is that the 75 employees who did not qualify remained disabled even though the Court requested that the process of transferring employee status from independent to State Civil Apparatus should not harm the state.

Harun also judged Firli was too late even tend to ruffle the Antirasuah commission. "This is a form of injustice and injustice and arrogance of the KPK chairman personally and not institutionally", he said.

Previously, the National Insight Test (TWK) was followed by 1,351 KPK employees. Of these, 1,274 were declared eligible.

Meanwhile, 75 employees including Novel Baswedan, Chairman of KPK employee container who is also an investigator Yudi Purnomo, Director of Socialization and Anti-Corruption Campaign KPK Giri Suprapdiono, Head of Task Force KPK Harun Al-Rasyid, and Director of PJKAKI Sujarnarko declared ineligible (TMS). The other two employees were not present in the interview.

Next, KPK issued a Decree of KPK leadership No. 652 of 2021 concerning The Results of the National Insight Test Assessment.

The letter signed by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri and a copy signed by the Head of Human Resources Bureau Yonathan Demme Tangdilintin has four points. One of them, instructing employees who do not qualify to hand over their duties and responsibilities to the direct supervisor.

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