JAKARTA - Nowadays, many people pursue the profession of YouTube video creator. The content presented on the platform has a genre that discusses all events in a way that entertains and educates.

On the other hand, viewers need to selectively select impressions. With so much content on YouTube, there are some content that has no added value, profanity, offending the beliefs of others, even to the point of loading content with provocative tones.

Lebaran atmosphere is certainly expected to be filled with something useful and entertaining to add joy to welcome the day of victory. Don't let the spectacle mess up the spirit. In addition to religious matters, here's a YouTube channel that's perfect for watching during Eid.

Raditya Dika

Raditya Dika Channel is a recommendation to fill your mood for the better. Raditya Dika is a writer and comedian who uploads videos of entertainment.

In addition to videos about everyday life, Raditya also displays podcasts that can add knowledge and insight. With easy-to-understand language, you'll feel at home watching videos on Raditya Dika's channel.

Arif Muhammad

Like Raditya Dika, you can watch content from Arif Muhammad's channel. This man from North Sumatra showed a short drama video about the life of Housewife Mak Beti with neighbors around her.

All roles were performed by Arif Muhammad himself. He can imitate various dialects. This became his trademark.

The storyline that raises the latest things in the community makes you feel connected to enjoy the video.

Bright Side

Like to wonder about events and things in this world? You can find the answer on the Bright Side YouTube channel.

With 6 million subscribers, The Bright Side channel is worth watching to give you insight and knowledge about the amazing things in the world and unique human habits.

Videos are even more special because they are presented with graphical displays, cartoon images that make the storyline easy to follow and information easy for viewers to capture.

Good News From Indonesia

Eid al-Fitr in the pandemic is the time to get positive and optimistic information. One of the YouTube channels that contains positive content is the Good News From Indonesia channel.

Here, you will find a lot of knowledge about the diversity of arts and cultures throughout the country. The videos are short, dense and informative with a duration of between one to three minutes per video.

Good News From Indonesia channel is suitable so that you can get to know the diversity of Indonesian people.

Perhaps after Eid and pandemic ends, you will prepare a plan to visit the area because you watched their video.

Those are 4 entertaining and useful YouTube channels to fill Lebaran. Don't forget to spend time performing Salat and gathering with family.

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