JAKARTA - The controller of PT Sagared Team and Gramarindo Group, Pauliene Maria Lumowa was sentenced to 20 years in prison plus a fine of Rp1 billion subsider 6 months of confinement, because it was considered proven to commit corruption disbursement of L/C (letter of credit or debt securities) using fictitious documents to Bank BNI 46 and money laundering crimes.

"Demanding that the panel of judges of the corruption criminal court (Tipikor) declare the accused defendant Pauline Maria Lumowa aka Erry aka Maria Pauliene Lumowa proven legally and convincingly guilty of criminal acts as the first indictment primary and second primary. Sentence the accused to 20 years in prison plus a fine of Rp1 billion subsider 6 months of confinement," said public prosecutor Attorney General Sumidi at the Jakarta Criminal Corruption (Tipikor) court, reported antara, Monday, May 10.

Maria Pauliene has been known to be wanted since 2003 and was arrested by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights through extradition from Serbia on July 9, 2020.

JPU also demanded that Maria pay a replacement of Rp185.822 billion which if not paid must serve 10 years in prison.

"In order for the defendant to pay a replacement of 185.822 billion (Rp) if he does not pay the replacement money no later than one month after the verdict of the law remains then his property is confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned, in case the convicted do not have property then replaced criminal 10 years," said prosecutor Sumidi added.

In this case Maria is charged with two charges, namely the first indictment of article 2 paragraph 1 or jo article 18 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes Jo article 55 paragraph 1-1 criminal code jo article 64 paragraph 1 penal code.

The second indictment is article 3 paragraph 1 letter a Law No. 15 of 2002 as amended by Law No. 25 of 2003 on prevention and eradication of money laundering crimes.

"The incriminating thing, the defendant did not support the government's program in the eradication of corruption, it relieved the defendant to be polite, has never been convicted and the company's assets have been confiscated in the case of Adriwan Woworuntu," prosecutors said.

In the first indictment, Maria was shown to have used other companies to dilute L/C denomin in US dollars and euros with fictitious documents at several stages and was entirely approved.

The company is in Gramarindo Group namely PT Gramindo Mega Indonesia, PT Magentiq Usaha Esa Indonesia, PT PAN Kifros, PT Bhinekatama Pasific, PT Metrantara, PT Basomasindo and PT Trinaru Caraka Pasific and put its trustees as directors in those companies.

Furthermore, Maria asked the directors to apply for L/C disbursement by attaching a fictitious export document to BNI 46 Kebayoran baru so that it was as if the company held export activities.

BNI 46 Kebayoran did not check the banks that issueD L/C such as Roos Bank Swistzerland, Milik is Bank Kenia, Word Street Banking Corporation Ltd and Dubai Bank Kenia Ltd even though the banks are not correspondents of BNI 46 and immediately agreed to take over the bill rights as the documents submitted.

Maria also used other companies to dilute L/C denomin in US dollars and euros with fictitious documents at several stages and was entirely approved.

Every disbursement of L/C credit, Maria gives rations to bni 46 Kebayoran Baru officials namely Edy Santoso, Kusadiyuwono, Ahmad Nirwana Alie, Bambang Sumarsono and Nurmeizetya with different amounts.

Upon the submission is then given a decision of approval to be issued payment by officials of Bni Bank.

After that, L/C credit money disbursed, Adrian Waworuntu then conducted fund management through PT Sagared Team. The funds are used to buy a 70-80 percent shareholding in a number of companies; purchased 31 hectares of land in Cakung for US$4 million and transferred the money to his account.

Maria's unpaid amount was 82,878,174.95 US dollars and 54,078,192.59 euros converted to rupiah to Rp1,214,468,422,331.43.

For the money, Maria enriched herself amounting to 2,709,554.1 US dollars and Rp234,341,393, adrian herling waworuntu amounted to Rp3 billion and other companies so that the total reached 82,878,174.95 US dollars and 54,078,192.59 euros converted to rupiah to Rp1,214,468,422,331.43.

The hearing continued on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 with the agenda of reading pleidoi (memorandum of defense).

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