JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena confirmed the incident of a man from Jakarta who reportedly died after receiving the Corona AstraZeneca vaccine should be a record.

Especially since the beginning, the House health commission has repeatedly asked the government to look at the side effects of the vaccine. Because, reflecting from the experience abroad that previously caused blood clots.

"It has given a note to the Pom Agency, Ministry of Health, and Komnas KIPI to be really very careful in ensuring the use of AstraZenaca in the country. Because seeing developments in various other parts of the world," said Melki, Monday, May 10.

Melki urged that the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM), and the National Commission for Post-Immunization Follow-up Events (Komnas KIPI) immediately find out the cause of the man's death. Because, the incident can make the public doubt about astrazeneca vaccine.

"Immediately searched for the cause, delivered, traced, ascertained the true cause of death of the man who used the vaccine, immediately conveyed to the public what happened," said the politician Golkar.

If problems are found in AstraZeneca vaccine, Melki asked the government to stop the process of ordering the vaccine from the UK. So there are no more victims of side effects from the use of the vaccine.

"If indeed this item is still problematic, it should be held first. Do not let the next unnecessary victims appear that can make our society victims because of AstraZeneca," said Melki.

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