JAKARTA - Sriwijaya University biomolecular expert Prof Yuwono advised residents whose areas are allowed to hold Salat Id to perform it in the field and directly exposed to the sun. According to Prof. Yuwono, in Palembang, Monday, sunlight emits ultraviolet light that has been shown to be 100 percent capable of killing the COVID-19 virus based on Colombia University research in 2020, so as to prevent exposure to the virus during the implementation of Salat." So I suggest the schedule of Salat Id is also backdated somewhat to 07.30 PM, usually starting at 06.30 WIB," he said in Palembang, reported antara, Monday, May 10.According to him, sunlight itself has been used as a therapy for positive cases undergoing isolation, because it also ripens Vitamin D in the body for increased immunity. Although zoning an area is fairly safe, but individually pilgrims still have the potential to transmit COVID-19 so that health protocols must be implemented. Prof. Yuwono also urged people whose immunity is declining or sick not to participate in Salat Id congregation, in addition to the arrival of worshipers are advised not to be together.

Khotib needs to shorten the khutbah time, overall the implementation of Salat Id should not be more than 30 minutes, he said." Because if the khutbah is too long and moreover less interesting, then the congregation can be sleepy and tired, then immunity can drop so that it is more vulnerable to exposure to COVID-19," he asserted. Therefore, people should strengthen immunity on Eid al-Fitr in order to stay strong against COVID-19 which is very likely to spread when mobility is high.

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