JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini said he was ready to explain the 21 million double data on social assistance he submitted to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), after hearing he was called the House of Representatives (DPR).

"My job is to explain to the House of Representatives. Ready not ready, must leave," said Risma when met at the Aneka Bhakti Building Jakarta, reported antara, Monday, May 10.

Risma denied the allegations of commission VIII member Bukhori Yusuf that he worked and took unilateral decisions, but thanks to the help of employees in the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"Indeed I have to convey that. Yes, it's my responsibility," risma said.

Previously, Commission VIII of the House of Representatives will call the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini or Risma regarding the report of 21 million double data recipients of social assistance (bansos) COVID-19.

Member of the Social Commission of the House of Representatives Bukhori Yusuf through his written statement said commission VIII as a partner of the Minister of Social Affairs has never obtained the report.

The chairman of the MCC DPP also questioned the double data referred to by Mensos Risma. Because, until now Bukhori claimed to have not received detailed information from the Minister of Social Affairs related to the double data in question.

According to him, this term double data has a sense that does not stand single so it has mixed consequences.

Baleg members said commission VIII of the House of Representatives has a very serious concern about the issue of data recipients bansos that have been listed or that have not been listed in the Integrated Data on Social Welfare (DTKS).

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