JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto (Yuri) explained the progress in handling cases of the corona virus or COVID-19 as of Wednesday, April 22 at 12.00 WIB.

There were an additional 283 confirmed positive cases today. The total number of positive patients to date is 7,418 cases. Even so, there was good news received. The number of recovered cases has outperformed the death cases. There were an additional 71 patients recovered, bringing the total to 913 patients. Meanwhile, 19 patients died, bringing it to 635 patients.

The highest distribution of recovered patients was in DKI with 322 people, East Java with 101 people, South Sulawesi 75 people, West Java 79 people, Central Java 54 people.

The increase in the number also occurred in patient data under surveillance (PDP) with a total of 17,754 people. Meanwhile, cases of people under monitoring (ODP) increased to 193,571.

Meanwhile, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) specimen test was carried out as many as 55,732 examinations. The number of cases examined was 47,361 people. The current positive result is 5,923 people. The negative results reached 31,211 people.

Yuri explained that the official government prohibited residents from returning to their hometowns or going home during the month of Ramadan to Eid Al-Fitr to prevent the spread of this virus. People who can refrain from going home will reduce the transmission of the corona virus. That way, the workload for health workers will also be lighter.

"Don't go home to protect all. The success of stemming the transmission of COVID-19 will greatly affect hospital care. Because, the more patients who are treated, the heavier our burden will be to reduce the number of people who are sick and die from COVID-19," said Yuri. at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Wednesday, April 22.

He continued, nothing could guarantee someone would avoid contracting the corona virus during a trip to his hometown.

"It is very possible that we will meet and be forced to have close contact with people without symptoms or people with mild symptoms while in vehicles, at terminals, at stations, rest areas, or in public toilets along the way," he said.

In fact, it may turn out that those who transmit the virus come from the homecoming residents themselves. They carry the virus without symptoms or with mild symptoms, because it comes from areas affected by COVID-19. As a result, families in their hometowns have the potential to contract COVID-19.

After all, said Yuri, if someone insists on going home, then he is obliged to carry out independent isolation for 14 days upon arrival in his hometown.

"We will never get the meaning of going home unless we only carry out a 14-day quarantine in our own hometown. Therefore, let us protect our hometown by not going home," he concluded.

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