JAKARTA - Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) AA La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti strongly criticized the attack by the Israeli army on Palestinian Muslims at the Al Aqsa Mosque.

"The Israeli army's brutal action has exceeded the limits of reasonableness. As an individual as well as the Chairman of the DPD RI, I condemn this action," said La Nyalla through a written statement, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 9. 

Moreover, the attack was carried out when Palestinian Muslims were performing Tarawih Prayers. The senator from East Java said attacking people who were praying inside the mosque could not be justified for whatever reason.

The chairman of the Honorary Council of the East Java Chamber of Commerce (Kadin) encouraged other countries to save the Aqsa Mosque. This is because Israel's acts of terror are a serious human rights violation and must be stopped immediately.

"We invite all countries in the world to exert pressure on Israel to be subject to international sanctions. This brutality cannot be tolerated," he also said.

According to him, this empathetic and constructive step can be done through the United Nations and associations of European Union countries and others.

Therefore, La Nyalla urged other countries and international organizations not to stand by. The UN must also take concrete and decisive action.

"This is no longer a conflict, but has been a massacre and is against the spirit of human rights," he said.

However, La Nyalla still asked all conflicting parties to exercise restraint.

"Moreover, this is still in the holy month of Ramadan. The month is glorious and full of blessings. I hope everyone will refrain from falling more victims," he said.

Clashes at the Al Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem between Palestinians and Israeli police took place on Friday, May 7 evening local time. A total of 200 Palestinians and 17 Israeli policemen were injured as a result of the clashes.

Israeli police stormed the Al Aqsa Complex on Friday evening, after Palestinians threw stones and bottles at officers.

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