PEKANBARU - The Pekanbaru City Police Team arrested a man who persecuted the mosque imam. The persecution occurred during the morning prayers in the congregation at the Baitul Ar'sy Mosque.

"We are still investigating the person concerned at the Tampan Police Department", said Pekanbaru Police Chief Kombes Nandang Mu'min Wijaya as quoted by Antara, Friday, May 7.

The victim of persecution was named Zuhri Ashari who became an imam at the Baitul Ar'sy Mosque in the Widya Graha II Housing complex, Srikandi Street, Bina Widya District, Pekanbaru City. Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initials DA (41), who is also a resident.

The incident of the persecution that was recorded by the mosque's CCTV, began when the congregation was carrying out the congregation at dawn. Suddenly DA entered from the back row, immediately broke through the congregation who was praying, and approached the Imam Prayer.

"The perpetrator hit me on the shoulder and said he could not pray, his voice was loud again. After saying that he immediately slapped me. Spontaneously I stepped back and the congregation immediately secured the perpetrator", said the mosque's imam, Zuhri Ashari.

Based on the results of police interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he was reckless in the persecution because he was uncomfortable hearing the sound of the Koran.

"The perpetrator was asked why he entered the mosque, continued to be answered by the perpetrator while he was walking, he heard the voice of the Koran because he was uncomfortable that the perpetrator went straight to the Baitul Ar'sy mosque", he said.

Meanwhile, based on family information, the perpetrator is said to have had a mental disorder. The perpetrator has a patient card from the Tampan Mental Hospital Pekanbaru, which must always be carried by people with mental disorders.

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