JAKARTA - Chairperson of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Doni Monardo said the government's decision to prohibit the Eid homecoming community from 6 to 17 May 2021 was correct.

Doni said that the elimination of homecoming was a reflection of the mandate of the enactment of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. It was stated that the state is obliged to provide protection to citizens.

"The state protects the entire nation and spills Indonesia's blood," Doni said in his statement, Friday, May 6.

In addition, the prohibition on going home also refers to religious warnings. According to him, a matter where the sunnah can be given priority and obligations become a priority that must be carried out.

That is, homecoming activities with the aim of staying in touch physically are legal matters and maintaining health and safety is an obligation that must be prioritized.

"Religious law, we have to follow and understand that what is sunnah must be second. Gathering is sunnah but maintaining health and maintaining safety is mandatory," said Doni.

Doni said that the decision to eliminate going home was an option to prevent a spike in cases. Reflecting on previous holidays, high community mobility is at risk of being a trigger for transmission.

"So, sorry for those who have the intention of going home this year it cannot be carried out this year. Please be patient, because this is a state political decision and it is also not easy. But this is based on data collected in the last year and we refer to how our nation's efforts to protect its people," said Doni.

There is also a government decision, as directed by President Joko Widodo regarding public safety as the highest law. "Solus Populi Suprema Lex, people's safety is the highest law," he concluded.

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