JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Widyastuti, said that currently his party is starting to undergo vaccinations targeting residents who live in slum RWs. The vaccine uses the AstraZeneca type.

Widyastuti said that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has mapped a number of slum RWs according to the Governor Regulation Number 90 of 2018.

"We set it this May, we will use the AstraZeneca Vaccine starting May 5 for the first injection of the first dose to people aged 18 years and over, in slum RW areas," said Widyastuti on Wednesday, May 5.

Targeting slum RWs as a priority for vaccination after groups of health workers and public service workers because of the density of the population that is vulnerable to COVID-19 transmission.

Widyastuti said, DKI Governor Anies Baswedan has prepared a scenario for the vaccination process in a slum RW.

District offices, hospital heads, and puskesmas heads also coordinate with the local village head or sub-district head to mobilize residents aged 18 years and over for vaccinations.

"The Health Office issued a circular stating that this was an activity that was of a mass nature, so that there should not be any chaos in the field or confusion," said Widyastuti.

For information, there are 3.6 million targeted recipients of priority COVID-19 vaccination in the first and second stages. In detail, vaccines are given to around 112 thousand health workers, 1.9 million public officials and 900 thousand elderly people.

Currently, the first dose of vaccination has been given more than 100 percent of the target of health workers. "Why are there more than 100, because many of us have recruited new workers who have not been recorded in the first record," said Widyastuti.

Then for public service officers, DKI has carried out the first dose of vaccination, reaching 65.1 percent, then the elderly reaching 63.5 percent.

So, the total first dose in DKI that has been given the vaccine is 1,994,275 residents. While the second dose has been given to around 1.9 million. The total doses given are more than 3 million doses that have been given to residents of Jakarta.

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