JAKARTA - The National Police added 48 insulating points to prohibit the 2021 Eid homecoming homecoming along Lampung to Bali. To date, a total of 381 isolation points are recorded.

"Yes (there are additions) to 381 points (insulation)," said the Traffic Police Head of Police Inspector General Istiono to reporters, Tuesday, May 4.

The increase in the number of insulating points, said Istiono, is so that there will be no gaps for stubborn people to keep returning to their hometowns.

In addition, other goals are also to prevent and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

"Mobilization management is related to anticipating the spread of COVID-19 so that it is more controlled," he said.

In addition, Kombes Rudy Antariksawan, Head of Korlantas Ops, said that the majority of the added points were alternative routes.

"Additional alternative routes. Let the meeting from (the security area) Polda South Sumatra to Polda Bali," he said.

Previously it was reported, the Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police, Inspector General Istiono, said there were 333 Lebaran 2021 homecoming blocking posts on the main route, both the Pantura, central and southern routes.

"For the main route from Lampung to Bali, we built 333 insulating points," said Inspector General Istiono, in Cirebon, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 14.

Inspector General Istiono said that the isolation posts that were established were not only on the main route, but also on an alternative route or rats located at the regional border.

According to him, there are more blocking posts for Lebaran 2021 homecoming compared to last year's homecoming, which only had 146 blocking posts.

"I confirm that we have evaluated these routes from last year's implementation and we will multiply them," he also said.

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