JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito asked the local government to carry out President Joko Widodo's instructions regarding the return of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI).

Because currently various countries are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases. One of the reasons for the high transmission of corona there is the mutation of the virus and the emergence of new variants that are more infectious.

Wiku also emphasized the existence of tight supervision in the five provinces that received the most PMI arrivals. It is estimated that tens of thousands of Indonesian workers will return to Indonesia during the past two months.

"From April to May 2021, the ones that have the opportunity to receive the most migrant workers in Indonesia are East Java, then West Java, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and North Sumatra," Wiku said in a YouTube broadcast of the Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, April 4. .

In addition, Wiku also said that the President instructed him to optimize the role of the Indonesian National Police. The entire return of migrant workers will be coordinated by the Kodam commander in collaboration with the Kapolda in all regions.

"This coordination is to integrate the existing central agencies in the regions, namely the Directorate General of Immigration, BP2MI, the Manpower Service, KKP of the Ministry of Health, and also Customs and Excise in one command to really be able to coordinate all of these forms," he said.

Based on the Circular of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 8 of 2021 concerning the International Travel Health Protocol during the COVID-19 Pandemic, PMI from abroad is required to undergo two PCR swab tests.

After undergoing the first swab test, the person concerned must continue to quarantine for 5x24 hours even though he / she has a negative test result.

After five days of quarantine, the person is required to undergo a second swab test. If the result is negative on the two swab tests, then the person concerned can continue the journey.

Furthermore, if the result is positive, then it is obligatory to carry out isolation or get intensive care for those who are symptomatic until they are declared negative.

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