JAKARTA - Dozens of black and red handprints cover cave walls in Mexico, believed to be related to ancient Maya maturity rituals, according to an archaeologist who has explored and studied underground caves.

At least 137 prints, mostly made by the hands of children, over 1,200 years old, indicate their date is near the end of the classical peak of the ancient Maya, when the major cities of southern Mexico and Central America today thrive amidst the great achievements of mankind. in math and art.

The cave is located near the northern tip of Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, where the towering pyramids of city centers such as Uxmal and Chichen Itza still stand. And it is located about 33 feet (10 meters) under a large ceiba tree, which was considered sacred by the Maya.

Archaeologist Sergio Grosjean argues that the handprints were most likely made by children as they entered puberty, because of their analysis of their size, with colors that provide clues to their meaning.

"They smother their hands on the wall in black which symbolizes death. But that does not mean they will be killed, but rather death from a ritual point of view," he said.

"After that, these children put their hands in red, which refers to war or life," he added.

Other Mayan artifacts found in the cave include carved faces and six painted relief sculptures, dating from between 800-1,000 AD, when a severe drought hit the region and may have contributed to the sudden abandonment of classic Maya in major cities. .

While the first Mayan settlements date back nearly 4,000 years, there were still major centers when the Spanish conquerors arrived in the early 1500s.

Several million Maya continue to live in communities scattered across the southeastern states of Mexico such as Chiapas and Campeche, in addition to Guatemala and Belize.

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