JAKARTA - The police will thoroughly investigate the alleged violation of health protocols related to the concert which took place at Cibis Park, South Jakarta. This concert is known not to have a permit.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Azis Andriansyah said, the beginning of the concert was a bazaar of MSMEs. Because there was an initiative from one of the people, this bazaar then changed the concept to a music concert.

"There was an initiative from one of the people, without permission without informing us of the change in the activity. So that the virus could not be controlled", said Kapolres Azis to reporters, Monday, May 3.

Until now, the police are still collecting some evidence while digging up testimony from witnesses. For example, management, management, and event organizer activities.

"From the results of our investigation whether there was a criminal act in the incident or not, we will investigate it thoroughly", he said.

If criminal offenses are found later, said Aziz, heavy sanctions will be given. The aim is to deter those who try to play a role in implementing health protocols.

"It must be sanctioned, but again it depends on the evidence we collect. If there is a criminal act, we will definitely investigate it thoroughly. This is a lesson for others not to mess with activities like this", he said.

For information, the music concert took place at Cibis Park, Cilandak, South Jakarta, on Saturday, May 1. The result of the concert caused a crowd.

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