JAKARTA - Commission X of the Indonesian Parliament highlighted the case of an honorary teacher in Sukabumi, Susan, who was paralyzed after undergoing the second phase of the COVID-19 vaccination. The council asked the government, especially the Ministry of Research and Technology to pay attention to these teaching staff.

"As a teacher, it is natural for the Ministry of Education and Culture's government, the education office to help our teacher's healing process", said Deputy Chairman of Commission X of Indonesian Parliament, Dede Yusuf, Monday, May 3.


This, according to him, is because the government has asked teachers to be vaccinated in advance for face-to-face school preparation.


"Apart from the health problems that have not been explained in detail. But the Education and Culture must pay attention to this teacher”, continued the Democrat politician.


Meanwhile, another Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the Indonesian Parliament, Abdul Fikri Faqih, advised the government to temporarily stop the vaccination program for teachers to pursue face-to-face school opening.


"Temporarily stop vaccination, especially for teachers, until there is clarity and assurance of safety", said Fikri, Monday, May 3.


The PKS politician also assessed that the government must be transparent in conducting investigations so as not to cause unrest in the community.


"The task force with related parties needs to investigate the causes of the paralysis so that other teachers do not happen again", he said.


Previously, the Executive Board of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) asked the state to be present in the case of Susan's teacher who experienced paralysis and visual impairment after the second stage of the COVID-19 vaccination.


Executive Board of PGRI Chairperson Dudung Nurullah Koswara, said as an honorary teacher Susan had been running government programs by following vaccination stages one and two.


"Mrs. Susan has participated in the government program, the first and second vaccines, meaning she is an educational apparatus, even though she hasn't served ASN (State Civil Apparatus) yet, she has been serving the community, she has already followed the government program. She doesn't mean that she got one vaccine, but after the second vaccine she was sick", said Dudung.


"So the state must be present, to guarantee financial protection psychologically", he added.

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