JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Ida Fauziyah interprets the commemoration of International Labor Day or May Day on May 1, 2021 as a celebration of hope amidst the downturn as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Hope to jointly develop Indonesia in a joyful direction, for a better direction. although it is still in a pandemic, "said Menaker Ida when commemorating May Day at the Cevest Center for Work Training Development (BBPLK) in Bekasi City, West Java, as reported by Antara, Saturday, May 1. The Ministry of Manpower invites all trade unions and laborers and employers to make a warning. May Day 2021 is a momentum to strengthen togetherness and brotherhood as a joint effort to fight COVID-19.

"As with the theme of May Day this year's Recover Together, it cannot be done alone. The government has made various efforts to overcome the pandemic," he said. Ida admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact in all sectors including the economy. Not a few companies and industries were affected by economic shocks. "Some are still able to survive but some have collapsed, resulting in increased unemployment and poverty rates," he said.

He asked all parties to maintain their optimism in addition to continuing to develop creativity and innovation in order to be able to rise from adversity so as to help end the nation's heavy pressure to return to a normal life. "Indeed, this is a tough task for the current government, but if together all elements the nation takes concrete actions, then this burden can slowly be overcome. We can recover together, "he said. The Ministry of Manpower took a number of initiatives to improve workers' welfare, including wage subsidies for workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then vocational training using the blended training method, industrial apprenticeship, training to increase labor productivity, competency certification, placement of domestic and foreign workers, training for new entrepreneurs, business incubation, labor intensive, healthy worker movement, to the provision of religious THR policies. I hope that this stimulus will be able to drive public consumption which in the end will have a good impact on company performance. We will not stop here. I will continue to encourage other initiatives to be implemented. May Day this year is special because this is a celebration of hope, "said Ida. .

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