JAKARTA - The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal together with the President of the Confederation of All Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPSI) Andi Gani Nena Wea went directly to the National Monument (Monas) to lead the commemoration of Labor Day or May Day, Saturday, May 1.

"In accordance with our coordination, we were only given tolerance of 200 people," said Said Iqbal at the location.

The demands in this action mainly urge the government to revoke Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation or commonly known as Omnibuslaw.

"Of course, what we are materially rejecting is Law 13 of 2003, which regulates the rights of workers' obligations, now Law 11 of 2020. We state that there has been degradation and there has even been an extraordinary decline. Examples of sectoral minimum wages were eliminated, MSEs were also there is a word 'can' determine the UMK. The words can or may not, "explained Said.

An even more fundamental point, Said continued, is that in Law Number 11 of 2020 the status of the work relationship is very liberal and free. Such as what is called PKWT or a certain time work agreement.

"Our language is a contract. In the 2003 Law there are only three contracts but in the 2020 Law there is no limit," he explained.

"And the saddest thing is about outsourcing. In Law 13 of 2003, outsourcing only 5 types of work are allowed. Meanwhile, in Law 11 2020 all work, including core production, can be outsourced. This means that it is clear that Law 11 of 2020 is tantamount to burying our rights. the workers, "said Said.

This reason, said Said, was the basis for workers to file a judicial review to the Constitutional Court. As well as submitting demands to the government which will be submitted to the State Palace.

"That's why we fight! But as citizens we are constitutional, so we submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court. Of course, this May Day we hope to the Constitutional Court judges, please, a sincere conscience so as to make the fairest decision possible," said Said. Iqbal.

The plan is for as many as 50,000 workers from the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) to take action in a number of regions in the country to commemorate international labor day or May Day today, Saturday, May 1.

Said Iqbal said that the 50 thousand labor masses covering workers in 24 provinces, more than 200 districts / cities and 3 thousand manufacturers will join the May Day action.

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