CIANJUR - The Puncak-Cianjur Route, West Java, was closed to large vehicles ranging from trucks to buses, during the handling of landslides and collapsed shoulders in the Ciloto-Puncak area. The repair of the collapsed road is targeted for completion before Eid.

Kasatlantas Cianjur Police, AKP Meilawaty said the ban has been in effect since today, until the handling of landslides that occurred in the Ciloto-Puncak area is complete, where the target is until Eid al-Fitr.

"The Puncak-Cianjur route, which is closed from large vehicles such as trucks and buses, for heavy vehicles will be directed to the alternative routes to Jonggol and Sukabumi, because it is feared that during repairs and handling of subsequent landslides that can occur if heavy vehicles are still passing," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday , April 30th.

In order to anticipate heavy vehicles passing on the route, his party has set up two guard posts in the Cianjur Gentur-By Pass Light Roundabout Area and a Security Post at Segar Alam-Puncak Pass, vehicles that force themselves to pass will be turned back.

Meanwhile, efforts to repair the collapsed road were carried out by a landslide in Ciloto Village, Cipanas District, was immediately carried out by the Binamarga PURP Center, with the target of handling and repairs to be complete after the holiday, so that during the running process heavy vehicles are prohibited from passing.

Head of the Center for Implementation of National Roads VI, Heri Suko, said that the first handling is by making a water channel that is not functioning properly, causing landslides and collapsing of the shoulders of the national road in the Ciloto-Puncak area.

"We will focus on making water channels that cause landslides because the canals cannot accommodate water properly. Number one, we will repair the water absorption channels, so that they do not go anywhere, especially they can overflow to residential areas," he said.

His party is targeting the repair process to be completed before the arrival of Eid, but his party predicts the handling process can be completed 100 percent after Eid. During the process, his party asked that no heavy vehicles pass.

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