JAKARTA - A police general, General Ung Chanthuok, was sentenced to 12 months in prison on Thursday, April 29 for a party he held earlier this month.

This incident was in Cambodia. General Ung Chanthuok who is also the deputy chief of staff of the national police was convicted by the Cambodian Court along with two other people.

They also attend parties. Two other people who attended the party were sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Reported by Antara, Friday, April 30, Kuch Kimlong, deputy prosecutor of the Phnom Penh City Court, said the three were also fined US $ 1,250 (around Rp.18 million) each.

The sentences of the three men, under a strict law passed in March this year by Cambodia's parliament, are among the heaviest so far.

The law provides for various sentences, including three years imprisonment for violators of quarantine rules and 10 years for anyone who leaves a care facility when infected, or knowingly spreads COVID-19.

Cambodia is grappling with a spike in coronavirus infections, which has seen its total number of cases - from about 500 to 12,641 since late February, including all 91 deaths.

The nation's capital is implementing strict social restrictions. Residents were prohibited from leaving their homes and some complained of starvation because they had no income while the distribution of food aid was also inadequate.

Cambodian police last week defended themselves over the arrests and beatings - of violators of the restrictions - with rattan sticks.

Police say the action was taken with the aim of saving lives.

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