JAKARTA - The National Police continues to take a number of steps in order to bring Joseph Paul Zhang alias Shindy Paul Soerjomoelyono to Indonesia to stand trial. Jozeph is a suspect in the alleged blasphemy case.

After previously issuing red notices and requesting extradition requests, the police also coordinated with European authorities centers in Germany and the Netherlands. This is because Jozeph is reportedly in one of these countries.

"The second is coordinating with European central authorities, especially Germany and the Netherlands, to find the whereabouts of the JPZ," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Friday, April 30.

It is hoped that these steps will bear fruit. "Then complete the administration of the extradition request on behalf of JPZ," he continued.

He said that his party would immediately bring Jozeph Paul Zhang to Indonesia after being arrested. Therefore, his party has carried out extradition efforts from now on.

"This request for extradition means that if the person concerned has been found, he can be secured, arrested and deported to Indonesia when our extradition request is granted," said Ramadha.

According to him, the submission of the extradition request was based on the results of the National Police meeting represented by the Cyber Directorate and the International Relations Division with several institutions. Among others, the Directorate of Central Authority and International Relations (OBHI) and the Directorate General of AHU or General Law Administration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"The meeting was the first to send an extradition request on behalf of JPZ," said Ramdhan.

Previously, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, said that Jozeph Paul Zhang alias Shindy Paul Soerjomoelyono was predicted to be in two countries. This information appears based on the results of an interim investigation.

"Between the two, Germany or the Netherlands," said Komjen Agus.

Jozeph Paul Zhang, whose real name is Shindy Paul Soerjomoeljono, was hunted by the Indonesian police for making content containing hate speech and blasphemy.

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