JAKARTA - Egypt has again recorded a significant archaeological discovery. This time, the archaeological team managed to find 110 ancient tombs from BC.

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced Tuesday, April 27, that the discovery of these ancient tombs took place at ancient sites in the province which is located in the Nile River delta.

"The graves, some of which have human remains in them, were found at the Koum El Khulgan archaeological site in Dakahlia Province, about 150 kilometers northeast of Cairo," the ministry said, according to The National News.

"They include 68 oval-shaped tombs dating from the Predynastic Period which stretched from 6000 - 3150 BC," the ministry continued.

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Ancient tombs in Egypt. (Source: Egyptian Tourism and Antiquities Ministry)

Included in the find are 37 rectangular tombs from ancient times known as the Second Intermediate Period, when the Semites from the Hyksos ruled ancient Egypt.

Not only that, archaeologists also found five oval-shaped graves that were left from the Naqada III period in 3200 - 3000 BC.

"Archaeologists have also found the remains of adults and children as well as burial equipment and pottery objects in this cemetery," the ministry said.

The find is the latest in a series of archaeological discoveries in recent years, in which Egypt is seeking publicity in hopes of reviving its tourism sector.

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This ancient tomb dates from BC. (Source: Egyptian Tourism and Antiquities Ministry)

A number of research teams from abroad were also involved, such as a research team from the University of Santo Domingo, Dominica who managed to find a gold tongue mummy, while doing excavations at the ancient site of Taposiris Magna.

There is also a joint American-Egyptian research team led by Dr. Matthew Adams from New York University, managed to find an ancient Egyptian beer production site which is claimed to be about 5 thousand years old.

This series of discoveries is expected to be able to revive Egyptian tourism, after the turmoil caused by the uprising in 2011 and the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, the number of tourists who came to Egypt only amounted to 3.5 million people from the previous 13.1 million people in 2019.

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