MEDAN - Pemko Medan received PT Musim Mas' corporate social responsibility (CSR) assistance in the form of 110 trash cans. This trash can supports the cleaning program.

"On behalf of the Medan City Government, I would like to thank PT Musim Mas. This assistance is a form of support in overcoming the waste problem in Medan," said Deputy Mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman, Wednesday, April 28.

Currently, said Aulia, Pemko Medan gives responsibility for cleanliness issues, including waste handling, to the sub-district authorities in full in their respective areas.

However, continued Aulia, each sub-district head must also coordinate with the Medan City Sanitation and Gardening Service (DKP).

"This trash can can help the Medan Pemko priority program in the field of cleanliness," said Aulia who is also a Gerindra politician.

Musim Mas' General Manager of Corporate Affairs, Gunawan Siregar, admitted that his party has provided CSR because it has been working with the Medan City Environment Agency (DLH).

"So far we have been coached by DLH, both in coaching or monitoring the environment and to the community," he said as quoted by Antara.

The predicate of the city of ditorok

Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution revealed the title of Medan as the best city in 2019. Bobby is determined to change this title by building integrated waste management.

Bobby Nasution said that the TPA in Medan still uses an open dumping system. This is one of the biggest judging factors that caused Medan to become the worst city in 2019.

Bobby Nasution turned it into a sanitary landfill. Sanitary landfill is a system for managing or destroying waste by removing and piling up garbage in a sunken location, compacting it, and then piling it up with soil.

In addition, Pemko Medan is working on a regional TPA as well as collaborating directly with the Regent of Deli Serdang.

"So that currently there is a land area of 16.3 hectares in the village of Sumbul Sinembah Tanjung Mulia Hilir Deli Serdang to be used as a regional TPA," he said.

Bobby Nasution memenag does not get tired of reminding his people to dispose of rubbish in its place, not in the river or in the ditch. This is to support the river normalization and drainage efforts in Medan City.

"Disposing of any garbage is a problem that is often a topic of discussion. Education and outreach is one way to make the river normalization and drainage program a success so that the flood problem can be resolved immediately," said Bobby.

With support and cooperation, the community does not litter, he said, apart from supporting the river normalization program, it also has a good impact on the community. Namely, with the normal flow of the river, the flood will not occur.

"Of course, this requires the support and action of the entire Medan City community. By collaborating with all parties, let's stop littering and keep the drainage and rivers clean." Kahiyang Ayu's husband said.

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